Time out!


Time out!

Hello again all, I’m calling a time out for the next couple weeks.
I’m working my way through the backlog of orders right now and don’t want to get any further behind, so I am not accepting any orders until further notice.

For those waiting, here’s a quick rundown of what & when:

  • All Plague Bearer r3.1 Barebones have shipped
  • All Plague Bearer r3.1 euro modules ship tomorrow and Thursday
  • All Choices euro modules, kits & Barebones should ship tomorrow and Thursday
  • Frac Choices will hopefully go out Monday
  • Infernal Noise Machines are finally being finished next week
  • Quad Plague Bearers are week after next – maybe sooner depending on the INMs

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason. I try to maintain email communication as much as possible, but I tend to freak myself out during production runs and end up in hyper-focus panic mode. Which means I obsess over getting everything finished and forget to do anything else, like sending out notices or updates, eat food, get some freaking sleep, etc.

Emails, however, tend to override my production obsession and activate my “must respond to email!” compulsion, so that’s a good thing :)

Thanks all, I’ll update the progress list tomorrow.

posted by flight at 11:14 PM

Yay, new stuff!


Yay, new stuff!

I’ve been rather busy, so here’s some new stuff:

  • Plague Bearer Barebones pack – Just the basic components for you to install in whatever you want.
  • Plague Bearer Modules – Some teaser pictures. The panels should arrive at the end of next week. Eurorack format, single and dual channel versions.

I’ve also finally finished the “secret” page. It contains my old albums, from way back when I had the time to compose.

OK, back to work.

posted by flight at 3:43 PM

Into the void?


Into the void?

If you email me with a question and do not receive a reply within 24 hours, please email me again. I always respond to emails, usually within 1-2 hours. A lot of people write me, expressing interest in a device but with some questions. I never hear from them again. This may be intentional, but it happens enough to make me wonder if my responses are not getting through.


posted by flight at 7:39 AM

Oh yeah, the words….


Oh yeah, the words….

Heh, I just remembered that whole “I promise to write more” thing…

Okiedokie! First off,I guess I should clarify something: when I use the word “we”, I really mean “I”. I have philosophical issues about speaking/writing in first-person singular when addressing a largely theoretical audience. That’s the annoying thing about the internet – you never know if anyone is actually reading what you write.

For the most part, flight of harmony is one person. There is a theoretical second body but, for now, all the work is done by flight. (
“So”, you say, “what the hell has been going on recently?” Filling orders! The Plague Bearer has been quite a learning experience. Primarily that I REALLY low-balled the price. So it goes. These enclosures, although freaking cool, are very labor-intensive. However, I have some ideas for future enclosures that will raise the bar a little.

The concept of offering rack-mount versions has been brought to my attention recently. I think that is an intriguing idea! While my main focus is on the oft-neglected live-performing musician, offering studio versions makes damn good sense. To whit, I will work on some EuroRack format versions of the Infernal Noise Machine and version 2 of the Plague Bearer as soon as I am done with the current orders.

Another thing: Any and all comments are not only welcome, but desired! While I have received lots of interest and comments regarding both the I.N.M. and the Plague Bearer, I have only received ONE email regarding anything else. What do you really WANT? What is that complaint that you have had running in the back of your head, the one that sounds like “why hasn’t anyone made…”, or “That’s great, but it should do…”, or even “What the hell?” I highly suggest that everyone should read the manifesto on Deviant Synth. That should give you an idea as to what I am talking about.

Anyway, thanks for all the support! I hope we can all work together on pushing the boundaries of music to unforeseen levels!


posted by flight at 12:45 PM

I is a good monkey!


I is a good monkey!

The Parasite samples are up!

posted by flight at 2:07 PM

Noch nicht fertig.


Noch nicht fertig.

Okiedokie! The site is getting there. A few pages are still blank, so please bear with me. Be sure to check out the Devices page to see what’s cooking. I’m hungry, so I’m gonna go eat now. More later.


posted by flight at 7:21 PM

Too damn busy…


Too damn busy…

Just to let everyone know:

I had to spend the past five days getting everything in order for the next announcement, so I’m a bit slower than I’d like to be in getting stuff out. I’m back on track now, but please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


posted by flight at 7:46 AM

Bloody Hell…


Bloody Hell…

Trying to re-vamp this website, please be patient.

posted by flight at 9:30 AM




My Lady’s mom is visiting for a few days, so I may be a bit slow in responding to emails through Monday. (I usually check my mail pretty obsessively every hour or so.)

(one of these days I have to come up with some tag line catch phrase…)

posted by flight at 9:17 AM




Just got this via the SDIY mailing list:
The PNW DIY meet will be on October 25, 2008 at Renton Technical College.
(South of Seattle for you out-of-towners)
Hmmm, I guess I better show up…


posted by flight at 2:40 PM

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