An infinity of tiny steps is still infinite.


An infinity of tiny steps is still infinite.

Work continues. I haven’t been posting as often because I have been finishing off the Choices modules since the last update. :P
They should theoretically be completed by Tuesday – “theoretically” because I am obviously completely incapable of estimating periods of time – after which I am going to sleep for a day and then begin work on the Infernal Noise Machines.

Getting there! Slowly – ever so slowly – but progressing nonetheless.


posted by flight at 9:40 PM

Still going…


Still going…

Sorry again for the lack of updates.

The Plague Bearer repairs took an unanticipated chunk of time, but the worst has passed and a batch of modified PBs are sitting ready to swap for units still in transit.
I am currently working on the frac Choices modules for stock at Analogue Haven. Next will be the LONG-overdue Infernal Noise Machines, for which I am terribly sorry.

more later…


posted by flight at 1:42 AM

Done with the small stuff…


Done with the small stuff…

Time to start sweating the big stuff. :P

The last of the Choices and Plague Bearer items were finished yesterday and will ship today. They took longer than planned due to the PB output revision.
Replacement Plague Bearer PCBs are being express shipped to distributors, so units from their stock will only take a couple days longer and will be good to go.

For those that have not yet contacted me about this issue: it is a very simple fix, so if you are comfortable with removing one or two SMT components, the basic fix is in your PB manual (the gain mod). Remove R6 and replace it with a 10k 1/8W or 1/4W resistor placed in CN2 (the top two holes are connected, so use the bottom hole and one of the other two). If your PB is *really* quiet, you can use a 15k, or even up to a 50k, which will give a gain of 5. For even more fun, just go ahead and put up to a 100k trim pot in CN2 and adjust it to please.

There are a couple other mods which affect the tone of the unit that are SMT-comfortable only, contact me if interested.


posted by flight at 6:46 AM

Damn, so close!


Damn, so close!

Well, almost kept on schedule.
A bit of a problem has reared its ugly head, so I wasn’t able to get everything accomplished today.

The r3.1 PB has a very low output level, ~±2V maximum, which is a wee quiet! I spent much of today optimizing the component values to correct this error. Fortunately, it is a simple fix.
If you have a rev. 3.1 Plague Bearer, please contact me and we’ll get it taken care of swiftly.

I sleep now…


posted by flight at 12:54 AM

Progress II


Progress II

Okiedokie, got all the modules & kits finished (I hope!)- email me if you do not receive a shipping notification email by Saturday. I uncovered one order that I forgot to put on the work list, I hope that’s the only one.

Choices Barebones:
I ran out of connectors, so I couldn’t get those out today. Fortunately, however, I ordered more for stock earlier this week and they will be here tomorrow, so the orders will ship tomorrow as well. Yay!

Na-night all.


posted by flight at 11:27 PM




Still on track so far.
Remaining orders for Choices modules, Choices kits, Choices barebones, PB modules, and PB Barebones will ship tomorrow.

Need sleep, more tomorrow.


posted by flight at 10:54 PM

Global cooling?


Global cooling?

We have snow. A lot of snow (for Seattle). It’s snowing now, whee.
There was 12″ accumulation of snow in downtown Seattle. This place is a freaking joke! The governor has just declared a state of emergency since we can’t keep up with the snow and ice – most flights in or out are canceled, roads are covered in 4″+ deep washboard ruts of ice, buses are canceled. Garbage hasn’t been picked up in over a week now. Also random power outages…

Now, throw in a holiday on top of all this!

All hail the mighty Lord Clusterfuck!

posted by flight at 11:04 AM




It’s snowing. Again. And sticking.
A freaking white-out right now.
There’s an inch and a half right now and the temperature’s dropping. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow whether or not it’ll stick around and screw everything up again.

posted by flight at 6:59 PM




Seattle sucks.

We finally get some real snow, and the city descends into (deeper) madness.

Due to this, UPS and FedEx are obscenely backlogged, so much so that they have requested customers NOT come in to pick up packages or call their local shipping depot, so that they can get through the backlog and ship parcels that have been sitting for over two weeks.

Needless to say, this includes all my various parts orders, which are now 2.5 weeks LATE. So I’m currently unable to do a damn thing, for which I am truly sorry.

I’ll let y’all know when things are back to normal.


posted by flight at 5:06 PM




Plague Bearer logo
Plague Bearer single euro and frac modules are now available exclusively at Analogue Haven!
US$88.00 with your choice of knob color.
Shawn’s really busy right now, and hasn’t had a chance to update the website – he’s working on clearing out the backlog of emails right now – but you can send him your order.

This website actually has a home page now! Go there and marvel, or something, I don’t know, it’s another freakin’ page. MUST OBEY PROTOCOL…. whatever.
Anyway, you can just click on the red moon to go there.

I’m busy catching up on stuff – building the AH batch took much longer than anticipated – so that’s all for now.

posted by flight at 11:27 AM

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