The Parasite is here


The Parasite is here

The Parasite lives! The web page is here. There are now 10 available, potentially a few more in the near future but no promises there. I’ve got to say, this little bastard kicked my ass a few times until I beat it into submission! The design process goes like this:

  1. Have a few circuits floating around yer gray matter.
  2. See a really cool case that just begs to be used.
  3. See how many controls you can fit into the available panel area.
  4. Now, how many I/Os can be finagled therein?
  5. Which of the aforementioned circuits match the number determined in #3 above?
  6. Start cramming!
  7. Cuss, curse, rage, pout and otherwise terrify your neighbors until the circuit has been whittled down sufficiently to fit.
  8. Hope like Hell that somebody makes the components you need in the dimensions you require.
  9. My least favorite part: assuming the previous item works out, try to find a distributor that carries the damn thing!
  10. Wash, rinse, repeat as necessary.

ANYway… pics of the prototype are up. Go look! Orders are now being taken, please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.


posted by flight at 6:20 PM




Just finished(?)tweaking the site. A few browser compatibility issues were pointed out to me yesterday (IE7 of course), and I’ve been trying to get them all fixed. I’ve tested it out in Firefox2, IE7, Opera, and Safari – should work better now. Let me know if I missed anything please!


posted by flight at 3:53 PM

yay, money…


yay, money…

Sorry for the delay. Funds for development ran out, so I am currently doing some work to get some more cash. I hope to resume development – and add more to this site – in a week or two.


posted by flight at 7:49 AM

Plague Bearer (Euro and Frac formats) now available at Analogue Haven!

12/11/2008 -flight of harmony and Analogue Haven are proud to bring you the purity of the unclean:

Plague Bearer

Plague Bearer single modules now available at Analogue Haven in euro and frac formats.

Choices – now available from Analogue Haven!

Choices joystick module now available for order through Analogue Haven.

Plague Bearer rev 3.1, now available!

4/2008 -Plague Bearer r.3.1 modules with VC gain now available through Schneiders Buero and Analogue Haven

On Hold

Thursday, December 07, 2006

On Hold

Finals are next week, ergo work on this site is on hold. I don’t like this setup much either, too mismatched, so I will be revamping the whole thing wheee (sarcasm).

OK tankyou bye-bye.

posted by flight at 6:37 AM

Images up

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Images up

Images and contact pages now working.



posted by flight at 8:02 PM

We have noise!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

We have noise!

At long last, the sounds page is working. I have put all of my completed albums up as streaming mp3 files. Check it out and let me know what you think!

To come: I am working on the coding page where I will put completed Java applications.


posted by flight at 7:32 PM

flight of harmony

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Still in progress.. but at least there are words.


posted by flight at 7:07 AM

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