I am very sorry, but I am unable to make it to NAMM after all.

There is just too much to do right now, but please stop by and visit the following folks: Shawn of Analog Haven, Harvestman, and Malekko. They will have some great setups to check out.

f(h) corrupts NAMM 2010!

NAMM UPDATE: the modules will be there, but flight is unable to attend after all. Many apologies!

Status update:

Currently working on: Infernal Noise Machine build

In progress: Sound of Shadows delay module initial production run

Babble: I am proceeding a bit slowerr than usual right now. Aside from the standard SNAFUS, we have not only the joyous *cough* holiday season, with all of the attendant problems/interruptions, but I also lost an argument with a piece of aluminum this weekend and had to get some stitches.
Nothing serious – a ~2cm gash, just below my right thumb and above the wrist, but enough to slow me down (yes, even more). Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding order completion times or anything else.


Still breathing…

Just FYI.

Currently working on a batch of  Infernal Noise Machines.

Sound of Shadows production has begun.

Going to bed now.


f(h) is now available at Post Modular Limited! PB rev 3.3!

f(h) is very pleased to announce distribution in London through <a href=”http://postmodular.co.uk/” target=”_blank”>Post Modular Limited</a>.

Also, the Plague Bearer page has been updated </strong><a href=”http://m5m.830.myftpupload.com/product-lines/plague-bearer/plague-bearer-modules/”>for Revision 3.3</a>.

Production status update


Production status update

  • Quad PBs will be done today.
  • Existing Barebones orders are awaiting parts.

posted by flight at 10:01 AM

Oh, hey!


Oh, hey!

Yeah, stupid busy again. The last of the group-buy jacks go out tomorrow. Quad Plague Bearers next, then the INM. Please let me know if you have any questions! Don’t hesitate to write, seriously. I’m not as fast in responding as I used to be, but that’s because I try to stay focused on getting orders out. I still try to respond to urgent messages within a couple hours.
I’ll try to keep this updated with the major production stages.

posted by flight at 10:37 PM

Wear your love of weeping angels with the Plague Bearer shirts!

T-Shirts! Plague Bearer and Choices t-shirts now in stock. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL.
<table width=”450″ border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
<td><a href=”http://m5m.830.myftpupload.com/product-lines/plague-bearer/plague-bearer-t-shirt/” target=”_parent”><img src=”http://m5m.830.myftpupload.com/images/shirts/pb/plaguebearertshirtbackT.jpg” alt=”Plague Bearer t-shirt” width=”250″ height=”400″ border=”1″ /></a></td>
<td><a href=”http://m5m.830.myftpupload.com/product-lines/choices/choices-t-shirt/” target=”_parent”><img src=”http://m5m.830.myftpupload.com/images/shirts/choices/frontLarge250W.jpg” alt=”Choices t-shirt” width=”250″ height=”346″ border=”1″ /></a></td>

The box of the Damned – the Infernal Noise Machine, now available!

The Infernal Noise Machine is now available for order!

Es geht Los!


Es geht Los!

The Infernal Noise Machines are finally out the door! Damn.
Anyway, on to the desktop Quad PBs.

posted by flight at 5:14 AM

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