INM progress


INM progress

The INM are in the final stretch. All boards are assembled, all the VCO were tested and calibrated yesterday, all the PSU are tested. Assembly of the main boards was finished today, and I’m about halfway done with the wire harnesses. Tomorrow is completion of the wire harnesses, and the testing and calibration of the main boards.

I’m trying to keep away from any distractions right now so I’m avoiding being online as much as possible. Please bear with me if it takes a bit for me to respond to emails – service issues, however, will be handle as quickly as possible.


posted by flight at 10:42 PM

Proof of progress.


Proof of progress.

Yup, still working on the INM. I figured it would be a good idea to show some proof of some kind, so here’s a picture of the boards laid out on my bench.
INM build batch
There’s a few more that aren’t in the picture, but you get the point.

I apologize for my slow response to emails lately, but I’m focusing on getting these out!

posted by flight at 11:04 PM

Building Infernal Noise Machines


Building Infernal Noise Machines

I’m building all the remaining unit concurrently, I’ll post news when I have some. I hope to be finished with these this weekend/early next week.

I still have a few sets of PCBs remaining if anyone is interested. USD$666.00 + S&H.
Lead time 8-12 weeks, as I still have to finish the Quad Plague Bearers and get going on a few other things.

posted by flight at 7:12 PM




Alrighty! It’s INM time. The new fiberglass-cutting router bits came in, the table is cleared except for the Standalone Quad PBs (for which the panels are on their way, and I have enough enclosures for 5 more if anyone else wants some, $350 each, r 3.2 with VC gain. Production begins as soon as the INM are finished).

posted by flight at 9:42 PM

Oh weh mir…


Oh weh mir…

I finally had a chance to take some pictures of the INM PCBs. I had a lot of fun yesterday spending several hours setting up a routing jig for my Proxxon rotary tool (I will never use a fucking Dremel again) and then burning up every single burr I had. Whee! It sure smelled great! *grumble*
Anyway, I managed to hack out one set of PCBS, so I took a picture of those and the original panel to show the joy of unscored panels. They are on a 14″x14″x14″ shipping box to give a sense of scale.

posted by flight at 4:47 PM

Quick INM Update


Quick INM Update

The PCBs are in and, in accordance to precedent, they did not separate or even v-score the freaking panel. So I have to figure out how to do this efficiently. I’ll put up a picture of the panel tomorrow to show why it’s a bit pf a pain.

posted by flight at 12:08 AM

Further progress


Further progress

Okay, the INM PCB files have been sent off. I’ll post an update when the boards arrive.

I’m sleepy, na-night.


posted by flight at 9:45 PM

flight of harmony newsletter June 2009


flight of harmony newsletter June 2009

It has been rather hectic lately, but the storm has nearly passed, so it’s time for some updates:

  • Frac format Choices joystick modules are in stock at Analogue Haven ( I haven’t had time to update the Choices page (, but they are available. The Choices euro format is available through Analogue Haven and Schneiders Buero.
  • Plague Bearer r3.2 with VC Gain is available at AH and SB in euro format.
  • The Infernal Noise Machine is almost ready for production! Some sound clips taken during testing are here: PCBs will be ordered this week.
    I have to pause here to thank those that purchased the first run. You all have been patient, understanding and kind way beyond what would be reasonable to expect, and I am very honored to have such exceptional clients as you. I hope you find that these are worth the wait!
  • Production of the standalone Rev3.2 Quad Plague Bearer begins as soon as the I.N.M. are completed. Information on the original quad unit is available here: This run will have the fully-updated r3.2 PB circuitry, and the jack panel has been redone to accommodate the Gain CV input jacks. I found a batch of housings and was originally planning to use them for something else, but enough requests came in shortly thereafter to justify another run. There are a few housings that are not yet spoken for, so contact me if you are interested. They are USD$350 each + S&H (depends on location).

posted by flight at 9:41 PM




Okiedokie, the Choices stock orders have been finished. Frac format Choices are now available through Analogue Haven.

Tomorrow I am taking time off from production to get some rest, order supplies and take care of other business-related tedium. Work on the Infernal Noise Machine orders begins on Monday, standalone Quad Plague bearers will begin after the INM are completed.

Thanks to all for your patience and support!


posted by flight at 1:27 AM

Choices Eurorack format modules, available through Schneiders Buero!

Choices Eurorack (CH-E) modules now available for order through Schneiders Buero!

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